CHICKEN COCONUT CURRY. Extraordinary curry food.

You have just got done making this amazing chicken coconut curry that was nothing but sensational and full of flavor. That curries are a very popular dish.




1 lb chicken breast, diced

1 red pepper, roughly chopped

5 oz fresh spinach

6 oz coconut milk

2 tbs olive oil

1/2 tsp celtic salt

2 scallions, chopped

Fresh cilantro


1 tbsp turmeric powder

1 tbsp curry powder

1 tbsp coriander seeds

6 ozcoconut milk

2 tbs soy sauce


  1. Over medium to high heat, place the coriander seeds in the skillet and roast until fragrant. About 2 minutes. Transfer them to a mortar and pulverized. Alternatively, you can place the cooled seeds in a zip log bag and pound them with a rolling pin.
  2. Place the powder in a bowl together with the rest of the marinade ingredients. Add the chicken and mix through until all the chicken is coated. Marinade for 30 minutes.
  3. Over medium to high heat place the olive oil in the skilled and at the chicken. Cook on one side for about 3-4 minutes. Turn the chicken over and add the red pepper. Cook the chicken and peppers further for another 3 minutes. Add the coconut milk, salt and cook until the sauce reduces. About 2 minutes.
  4. Turn the heat off and add the scallions, spinach and chopped cilantro. Serve with brown rice or quinoa.

NOTE: You can double the batch and freeze leftovers. You can also use any other protein of choice such as shrimp or extra-firm tofu.


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